American myths embodied in “segarnya mantap itu coca-cola: goes to city” series: a semiotic analysis of coca-cola television commercial in indonesia
Penulis Utama
Aisyah Ma’ruf
2008. This research was conducted within American studies discipline for the purpose of giving description of a semiotic analysis of Coca-Cola television commercials in Indonesia particularly “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series released in 2004. The myths, in this case American myths since Coca-Cola is an American product, were revealed through analyzing characters and their characteristics, dialogues, pictures, sounds, and colors of Coca-Cola television commercials in Indonesia particularly “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series released in 2004.
The research emphasized on two research questions. The first research question was intended to reveal the American myths embodied in Coca-Cola television commercials in Indonesia particularly “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series. The second research question had the objective in finding out Indonesian issues in the year 2004 that are used to embody the American myths and how it happens
This research was a descriptive qualitative research which applied library or referential study. The main data were taken from Coca-Cola television commercials in Indonesia particularly “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series released in 2004 in a form of dialogues, pictures, sound, and colors. The supporting data were taken from other sources, such as official website of Coca-Cola and some articles in magazine and internet websites reviewing the commercials “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series.
As this study was carried within the framework of cultural studies, it employed interdisciplinary studies which bring the consequences of applying some theories and approaches. The theories were semiotic film theory, myth theory and theory on advertising and the approach is sociological approach. Besides that, the research also provided the historical background.
After conducting the analysis it can be deduced that there were three American myths embodied in Coca-Cola television commercials in Indonesia particularly “Segarnya Mantap itu Coca-Cola: Goes to City” series what Indonesian social issues that triggered Coca-Cola to portray our society in the way they did it in the commercials to gain people’s interest on the product were ethnic conflict and urbanization.
This research hopefully inspired further research on Coca-Cola, advertising and that American Studies research can be done on American product which exist not only in America but also in other parts of the universe, particularly in Indonesia, the place where the research done.
Penulis Utama
Aisyah Ma’ruf
Penulis Tambahan
American myths embodied in “segarnya mantap itu coca-cola: goes to city” series: a semiotic analysis of coca-cola television commercial in indonesia
Surakarta - FSSR - 2008
Program Studi
S-1 Sastra Inggris Non Reguler
UNS-FSSR Jur. Sastra Inggris-C.1305502-2008
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