Penulis Utama : Arbain
NIM / NIP : T111908016

This study aims to analyze the translation version of Impositive speech acts in the Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance with a pragmatic approach. Five questions were proposed in this study, namely (1) How is the type and function of TTI in directive, assertive, commissive, expressive, and declarative speech in the Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance, (2) How is the distribution of TTI in the generic structure of directive, assertive, commissive, expressive, and declarative speech in Assassin's Creed: Renaissance Novel? (3) What translation techniques are used in translating TTI in directive speech, assertive, commissive, expressive and declarative in the Novel Assassin’s  Creed: Renaissance, (4) How is the function shift of TTI in directive, assertive, commissive, expressive and declarative speech in the Novel Assassin’s  Creed: Renaissance, (5) How is the shift of politeness strategies in translating TTI on directive, assertive, commissive, expressive, and declarative speech act in the Novel Assassin’s  Creed: Renaissance, (6) How is the impact of using translation techniques on the translation quality of TTI on directive, assertive, commissive, expressive, and declarative speech act in Assassin's novel Creed: Renaissance.

This study used a case study design for the translation product in the Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance and its translation. The data of this study included all forms and functions of the TTI which were studied using the concepts of (Haverkate, 1984; Leech, 1983; Levinson, 1989). Next to the translation data, the researcher used the concept of translation Molina and Albir (2002), translation quality (Nababan et al., 2012). Document analysis and limited group discussions were conducted to obtain the data. The researcher used a qualitative content analysis model (Santosa, 2021).

The results of this study revealed several things. First, the researcher found that the most common forms of directive speech acts were found in all generic structures from orientation to resolution. Seeing from its function, the dominant speech act is commanding speech. The most second common utterances found were requesting utterances and then expressive speech acts. In this speech act, the most common function found was mocking speech. The next utterance was a speech showing anger. The emergence of TTI in the Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance could not be separated from the generic structure that shows social functions in the form of cultural values ??and norms. The TTI spoken by the antagonist and the protagonist represented the character identifier at the orientation stage. Later, at the complication stage, TTI was found to have spread to Ezio and Vieri's family members, resulting in conflict. Furthermore, the evaluation stage which is a complication of the story shows that the conflict is starting to subside. Finally, the TTI resolution stage showed the resolution of the conflict between the Ezio and Vieri families. Perceived from the context, there were power and distance behind the realization of TTI. The power and distance occurred because of the speaker's background that has higher power, social and emotional relationships between the interlocutors. Second, the study discovered the distribution of TTI in all story structures from beginning to end. The majority of TTIs are discovered at the complication stage, followed by orientation, evaluation, and resolution. Third, the researcher revealed the use of translation techniques at each stage of the generic structure, from orientation to resolution. By looking at social functions in the form of cultural values ??and norms at each stage, this study showed the tendency of translators to use established equivalence, variation, and pure borrowing techniques. The use of established equivalence techniques and variations was considered to positively impact the translation results in the form of equivalence of meaning. While the use of pure borrowing techniques had accuracy, it was having problems with readability and acceptability. Besides, the translator's decision to use several techniques such as discursive creation, literal, and reduction distorted meaning and translation quality. The behavior pattern of the translator indicated the inappropriate use of the translator technique by not paying attention to the context of the speech act. Fourth, the use of inappropriate translation techniques caused a shift in the function of speech acts. Perceived from its generic structure, the shift in the function of the TTI was only found in two stages, orientation, and complications. At the orientation stage, there was a shift in the function of commanding speech to request. The shift in function occurs because the translator used a discursive creation technique by adding the word 'please' in the target language. Then, at the complication stage, there were three shifts in function: advising to commanding, advising to asking, and prohibiting to command. Fifth, the impact of translation techniques also occurred in politeness shifts. All politeness shifts were only found in the orientation and complication stages. At the orientation stage, there were four types of politeness shifts: bald on record to negative politeness with two data, off-record into bald on record with two data, negative politeness into positive politeness with one data, and positive politeness into positive negative politeness with one data. In the complication stage, three types of politeness shift were found: negative politeness to bald on record with two data, bald on record to negative politeness with twelve data, and positive politeness into positive negative politeness with four data. Sixth, this study showed that in general the quality of TTI's translation of the Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance was considered as a good person. However, the inappropriate use of translation techniques such as pure borrowing, discursive creation, literal, and reduction affected the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, readability, and acceptability. The use of this technique distorted meaning in some TTI data. Perceived from the generic structure, pure borrowing translation techniques were mostly found at the orientation and complication stages. The use of this pure borrowing technique had good accuracy, but it had problems with acceptability and readability. Meanwhile, the use of literal techniques and discursive creations at the orientation stage caused a lack of translation quality in terms of accuracy, readability, and acceptability.

This study concluded that. First, the researcher found TTI in all types of speech acts. The most common speech acts found were directive speech acts with a commanding function. TTI was most commonly found in the complication stage, perceived from its generic structure. With the difference between TTI and other speech acts, this research was expected to have implications for the expansion of the curriculum, especially for pragmatic studies. Second, Second, the orientation stage, according to the generic structure stage, presents the characters, period, and environment in the novel Assassin's Creed: Renaissance. Character recognition at this level can be evident in the employment of TTI by antagonists and protagonists, such as commanding speech. Conflicts between characters are discovered next in the complexity stage, as indicated by the use of TTI as threatening. Then, during the evaluation step, which is the contemplation stage of a story, the researcher discovers that the use of TTI is akin to an antagonist swearing. Finally, the resolution stage is distinguished by the weakening of all the antagonist's strengths, as seen by the employment of TTI such as prohibiting. Third, overall translators tended to successfully transfer messages at every stage of the generic structure that existed in the source language to the target language, as evidenced by the dominance of the use of common equivalence techniques. The use of these techniques also reflected the translator's competence towards culture in the source and target languages. The use of these techniques also affected the shift in function, politeness, and quality of translation. Fourth, in translating TTI, translators were expected to understand theoretically that TTI is a speech that can burden the interlocutor. Next, to produce a good translation, the context and situation surrounding the norms and culture of the source language and target language must be the translator's attention by paying attention to the power and distance between the interlocutors.

Penulis Utama : Arbain
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : T111908016
Tahun : 2022
Judul : Kajian Terjemahan Kalimat yang Direalisasikan sebagai Tindak Tutur Impositif dalam Novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance dengan Pendekatan Pragmatik
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Fak. Ilmu Budaya - 2022
Program Studi : S-3 Linguistik (Deskriptif)
Kolasi :
Sumber :
Kata Kunci : impositive; illocutionary; speech act; pragmatics; translation; assassin's creed; renaissance.
Jenis Dokumen : Disertasi
Link DOI / Jurnal :
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Drs. M. R. Nababan, M. Ed., M. A., P.hD
2. Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M. Ed., P.hD
3. Prof. Dr. Tri Wiratno, M. A
Penguji : 1. Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M. A
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Ilmu Budaya
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