Evaluasi implementasi E-government (studi penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan implementasi e-government di Kabupaten Sragen)
Penulis Utama
Erry Soffan Hernanto
The rapid development of information technology triggers its
implementation in the state management. The management of state which applies
the information technology has produced a lot of breakthroughs. The saving of
expenditure budget, the fast and accountable services are some advantages
resulted from the implementation of E-government in the government.
This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research which aims to
know the factors affecting the success of E-government implementation in the
field of Research and Development and Electronic Data in Sragen Regency. The
research uses the primary and secondary data that are derived from observation,
interview and documentation. This research applies purposive sampling as the
sampling technique. The data validity applies the data triangulation technique.
The data analysis that is applied in this research is interactive analysis. The result
of the research based on the data gained in this research are as follow:
The implementation process of the E-government is initiated by the
instruction of President number 3 year 2003 that is about the policy and national
strategy of E-Government development. This is later followed up by the Sragen
regency by setting the Strategic Plan of the Information Technology Development
in Sragen Regency year 2006- 2010. Then, the implementation is followed by
developing the infrastructure, preparing the human resources, constructing the E-
government application. In term of the development of E-government
implementation, the Sragen regency has come to the level of interact.
The factors that may lead to the success of E-government implementation
in Sragen regency includes: the human resources that has been prepared well by
conducting the training and the appropriate study related with the work field. The
resource from the organization by fulfilling the need of tools and infrastructures is
also important. Then, the communication between the executor officials, officials
and the society must be effective. Besides, the attitude shown by the executor or
disposition has indicated a highly strong work ethic. The effective structure of the
bureaucracy and also the condusive condition of the politic, social, economy has
also contributed the significant factor to the development of the E-government.
The researcher recommends that the Sragen regency has to consider the
development rate of information technology that runs rapidly in any decision
making about policy related with the E-government. Then, it is hoped that the
facility such as hotspot and website can be used properly by any level of society in
Sragen regency. At last, it is also hoped that it can maximize the potential of E-
government in organizing the governmental fields especially what is related with
the prospoerity of Sragen society.
Penulis Utama
Erry Soffan Hernanto
Penulis Tambahan
Evaluasi implementasi E-government (studi penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan implementasi e-government di Kabupaten Sragen)
Surakarta - FISIP - 2009
Program Studi
S-1 Ilmu Administrasi Negara
UNS-FISIP J ur. Ilmu Administrasi-D.0104066-2009
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