The internship report was written in order to 1) describe the internship activities at Museum Keris Nusantara conducted from February 15, 2022 to April 15, 2022, 2) explain the problems faced during the translation process, and 3) explain the methods to solve the problems during the translation process. I worked from Tuesday to Sunday at Museum Keris Nusantara, starts from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. There were some activities conducted during the internship program. The main activities of the internship program were creating bilingual description about kris, editing bilingual description about kris, and creating bilingual article. The additional activities of the internship program were kris preservation and making promotional video for Museum Keris Nusantara. During the translation and editing process, there were some problems faced such as the difficulty of translating Javanese terminologies. Therefore, I had to ask my internship supervisor to translate and explain it in Indonesian to help me understand what the meanings of Javanese terminologies were. I could also decide the perfect and equal translations for them in order to create an easy-to-understand bilingual article. The other problem was the limited information about kris matter at Museum Keris Nusantara, so I had to go to Museum Radya Pustaka to look for some further references in order to create an appropriate bilingual article. There were two other problems faced, such as the bad structure found in the source text and the inappropriate choice of words. Moreover, there were some strategies to solve the problems such as looking for equal translations in dictionaries and the internet and asking for detail information about kris from my internship supervisor.