The aims of this research are to describe the types of request expressions used by the characters of the film entitled “Princess Diaries”, to describe the factors influencing the use of each type of request applied by the characters of the film entitled “Princess Diaries”, and to describe the responses of the requestee in the film...
sri sulasi
The aims of the study are to find out the types of translation, the accuracy and acceptability of the translation of Black English Dialect in “The Color Purple”.
The research is a descriptive qualitative method which employs purposive sampling technique. 174 sentences containing Black English Dialect in The Film The Color Purple...
Betaria Nae Hastuti
ABSTRACT This research focuses on examine how the Hagrid’s dialogues in the novel “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” are translated into Indonesian in “Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban” in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. It is a descriptive qualitative method using the technique of collecting, classifying the...
Adi Ardayani
Abstrak This research was conducted to describe the use of second person addresses by the characters in the movie “Anna and the King” by considering the social and situational context of the communication. This research was based on the Sociolinguistics approach. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The source of data was the...
Dwi Rahmayanti
ABSTRACT This research is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics. It is a comparative study that focuses the analysis on finding out the mode by describing the lexicogrammar, cohesion and text structure of the texts The purposes of the research are to explore and compare the mode consisting of channel and medium of two car rental advertisement...
Budi Tri Prasetyaningsih
ABSTRACT 2007. This research belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive comparative method. It purposed to explore and compare the tenor of nonprofit advertisement texts of UNICEF and World Vision on internet by using Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach. The research was aimed to find out the three dimensions of tenor, namely...
Ery Yuanita Ratma Sari
ABSTRACS 2007. This research was conducted to describe the kinds of hedging devices of woman speech in the novel of step-chain teen lit series entitled ‘Healing the pain’, to identify the strategy of the main character in applying the hedging devices in the novel of step-chain teen lit series and to find out the reason why the main character...
Flurida Triawati
Abstrak This research aims to explore the forms of commissive expressions and how they are employed by the characters of the film in accordance with the contexts of situation where the commissive expressions occur. This is a speech act research that employs a descriptive qualitative method. The source of data is a film entitled “Harry Potter and...
Fery Kusumawati
Abstrak This research focused on the patriarchy that causes stereotype which leads to the sexual discrimination and then the efforts of women to fight the male discriminative attitudes. The researcher formulated two research questions: “How does women stereotypes lead to women sexual discrimination in North Country?” and “What are Josey...
Caecilia Sri Widyaningsih
ABSTRACT The research is based on Socio-Pragmatics study. The aims of the research are to find out the types of apology strategy, to find out the factors which determine the choice of strategy of apology and the function of apologizing acts in describing the relationship between the characters in the film entitled “Pretty Woman “. This...
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