ABSTRACTThe objectives of this final project report are to describe the activities and roles of Public Relations officers in PT.Pertamina, to identify the problems faced by Public Relations officers in media relations office of PT. Pertamina, and to find out the solutions of PR officers to solve the existing problems.During the job training I did...
Fitria Rahmawati
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRAKLaporan tugas akhir ini ditulis berdasarkan magang di UPT P2B Universitas Sebelas Maret, selama 17 Februari 2015 – 13 April 2015. Tujuan dari laporan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk menjelaskan proses menerjemahkan dokumen resmi dan strategi menerjemahkan dokumen resmi.Selama magang, penulis menerapkan 4 langkah ketika menerjemahkan...
Arif Wijanarko Siswoyo
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project was written based on the job training done by the writer on January 9th until February 13th, 2015 in SD Al Firdaus Surakarta. The aim of this final project is to describe the activities of teaching and learning English to the first grade students of SD Al Firdaus Surakarta. It also describes the problems and the...
Ulfa Yuni Fajriyah
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project report was written based on the job training done by me in SD Al Firdaus Surakarta. The aims of this final project report is to describe the process of teaching English vocabulary to the second grade students of SD Al Firdaus Surakarta and to show the problems faced by me and the students and to give solutions to the...
Sylvia Indrihastuti
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project was written based on the job training which was done in TTO of Sriwijaya Air Solo District which is located at Center Point Building Block A-10,Purwosari, Solo started from 24th February to 30th April. The objectives of this final project are to describe the services of ticketing and reservation in TTO of Sriwijaya Air...
Meirina Dwi Nur Aini
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project was written based on the job training which was done in Sriwijaya Air TTO District Solo within 2 months. The objectives of this final project are to know the quality of service in Town Ticketing Office of Sriwijaya Air District Solo, to describe the process of ticketing and reservation with online system in Town...
Leni Lukiyanti
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTKristine Prabawatie, 2015. Guiding Activities at Kasunanan Hadiningrat Palace Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.The final project report is written based on the job training which is done for a month in Kasunanan Hadiningrat Palace Surakarta. The first objective of this paper is to...
Kristine Prabawatie
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project report was written based on the job training in the export division of PT. Batik Danar Hadi. The objectives of this final project are to describe the problems faced by PT. Batik Danar Hadi as the challenges on its exporting activities and to provide the solutions given by PT. Batik Danar Hadi to the problems faced in its...
Dessi Arisandi
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project was written based on the job training in PT. Batik Danar Hadi. The objectives were to know the communication media used by PT. Batik Danar Hadi for their foreign and domestic customers, to describe the reason why they used those communication media, and to explain the communication process by using those communication...
Charimah Martaningrum
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThis final project was written based on the job training done by the writer in SD Negeri Ngombakan 02 Sukoharjo. This final project discusses about using games and pictures in teaching vocabularies to third grade students in this school. It describes the application of games and pictures in the process of teaching vocabulary and finds out...
Novi Ari Purwanti
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)