Middle East term tends to refer to cultural domain, so it has no any certain borders. Most colllIIion definition used is regions that consist of Bahrain, Egypt, Turk, Iran (Persia), Jordanian, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabian, Syria, Union of Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Palestine. Iran is the most eastward border, sometimes Afghanistan...
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: Pusat Studi Timur Tengah FSSR -2010
Ideology means a faith system of an individual about a world with better life, so that it appears as a mindset for its followers. Ideology can be seen as ‘worldview’. Al-ikhwanul Muslimin or Moslem Brotherhood is an ideological movement that fights for Islamic law applications in various aspects of life, including in citizenship life....
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: Pusat Studi Timur Tengah FSSR -2009
Asep Yudha Wirajaya
Surakarta-GarengPung (Grup Kreativitas Wirausaha Indonesia)-2016
Dengan adanya perubahan yang kolosal dan mondial seperti saat ini, pengetahuan yang dimiliki seseorang atau sekelompok orang terasa cepat usang atau aus, dimakan zaman. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, setiap orang atau sekelompok orang perlu adanya suatu usaha untuk memutakhirkan pengetahuannnya atau keterampilannya. Dengan cara demikian,...
Zaini Rohmad
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: FKIP Bimbingan Konseling-2015
Zaini Rohmad
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-FKIP: FSSR-2012
This article aims at showing how the perspectives of genre and multimodality contribute significantly to the pre-translation process. Ability to digest the source text and to transfer it into an equal target text therefore fulfill part of the competencies of a qualified translator. Five advertorial texts of Garuda Indonesia are scutinized to see...
Diah Kristina
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Jakarta-Kemsekneg: Asisten Deputi Naskah dan Penerjemahan-2014
This study explored the ways company profiles of tow big batik companies in Solo establish their credentials as a means of showing credibility. The data used were words, phrases, and clauses taken from he company profiles of batik written in Bahasa Indonesia. The research used theories of genre analysis focusing on patterns of rhetorical...
Diah Kristina
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS : FSSR-2011
There is a strong connection between restructuring in listening as acquisition and reformulating in interpreting. The relation between the two lies in the productive aspect that requires students to restructure or reformulate oral text that they have heard into the new text. This kind of practice in the listening class is belived to contribute...
Diah Kristina
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: FSSR-2009
In planning his/her public relations campaign, a Public Relations Practitioner needs to recognize the values and attitudes of his/her publics whereas in practice they need to employ a persuasive strategy as their main objective is to build a mutual understanding and support that eventually will change their publics opinion, attitudes and values,...
Diah Kristina
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Surakarta-UMS: Language Center -2001
Laporan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskanmengenai perancangan interior sebuah Cat Center di kota Jakarta dengan konsepmodern. Cat Center merupakan sebuah bangunan yang memberikan berbagaifasilitas untuk para pemelihara kucing. Cat Center memberikan fasilitas kesehatanberupa klinik dan Unit Gawat Darurat, Pet Shop, Cat Hotel sebagai...
Riyana Firdani
Surakarta-F. Sastra dan Seni Rupa-2016