ABSTRAK Lebah madu adalah serangga ciptaan Allah SWT yang memiliki banyak manfaat, keunikan dan keajaiban. Bahkan manusia tidak mampu menyaingi keteraturan hidup lebah madu, juga pengorbanan yang dilakukan lebah madu untuk koloninya. Tugas akhir ini merupakan visualisasi gagasan dengan sumber ide lebah madu dari sisi perilaku dalam bentuk...
Dyny Izzaty
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
This paper reports a case study of nominalization in four journal articles in biology, economics, social science, and language written in Indonesian. In order to know the patterns of nominalization in the four articles, the clauses containing nominalization were identified, seen from whether the lexical items in the four articles were realized...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Prosiding
Beijing-ISFC Tsinghua & Macquarie Universities-2010
This paper is about the functional selection of linguistic units in order to reach translation equivalence. Linguistic units in this paper include morpheme/word, group, clause, and text under the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). Translation involves two languages, i.e. the language that is translated (source language) and the...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-Asosiasi SFL Indonesia-2009
The ultimate goal of the English language learning is that learners can use the language in an accepted level of appropriacy. To do so, they need to have an adequate discourse competence comprising its various elements that build it. It is with discourse competence that the learners, who are speakers and hearers or writers and readers of the...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Prosiding
Bandung-ITB: UPT Pusat Bahasa-2006
It is commonly stated that Indonesian scientific texts have such characteristics as simple, concise, objective, and logic. However, from the point of view of linguistics, no adequate empirical evidence has been given to define and explain those characteristics. Moreover, there are still many more characteristics that need to be linguistically...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Jakarta-UNJ: Asosiasi SFL Indonesia-2012
This paper is concerned with thematization and Theme-Rheme patterning in journal articles written in Indonesian. Eight journal articles in the fields of biology, economics, social science, and language were analysed to find out how their textual meaning was built from the points of view of Theme selection and Theme development. From Theme...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Sastra Inggris-2013
Empowerment of local wisdom in conflict resolution must start with the Surakarta palace parse the source of major problems of conflict twin kings of Surakarta triggered by disputes between Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Harya (KGPH) Hangabehi and KGPH Tedjowulan born from different mothers .The dispute about the heir to the throne of King Keraton...
Sutapa Mulda Widada
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: F. Hukum Bagian Hukum dan Masyarakat (HUMAS)-2015
Culture and humanity are two things which are placed together with the reason that in one side, culture canfunction as a media while in other side,humanity is its content. Media and its content fulfill together so that they to create humanitarian, prestisious, and civilized life.is/am teaches us to respect humanitarian aspect and allow the good...
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Sukoharjo -Pondok Pesantren ASSALAAM-2016
There is an important phase in the process of liter ary classification that leads into a diverse kinds of literary genres. In terms of the quality, there are hig/1 and low qualities of literature. Where as in terms of its shape, there are prose, poem and drama. Functionally , however, there are useful and entertaining literature or dulce et utile....
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: FSSR Jurusan Sastra Indonesia-2007
Philological work is used to pure the text by having criticism toward the text, and the textual criticism objective is to produce a text which is most equivalent with the source. The text which has been cleared from the error and has been reorganized as the original is a text which can be responsible as a source for many researches in other...
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: FSSR-2009