CV. Handayani is a company running in the publishing area. In the manufacturing company, the basic material purchase is one primary key for the production process. The basic material purchase should be designed as well possible with the good basic material purchase system for avoiding the fraud.
The objective of research is to obtain...
Oky Primajaya Indra K
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
The objective of research is to find out the role of marketing mix in increasing the sale volume of PT. eTrading Securities Gallery Semarang.
In line with the problem and objective of research, the research method employed a descriptive qualitative method. The research was taken place in PT. eTrading Securities Gallery Semarang....
Andi Rizqi Yunawan
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah prosedur pemberian kredit pada PD. BKK Mojogedang. Tugas utama PD. BKK Mojogedang adalah menyalurkan kredit kepada masyarakat, sumber dana dari PD. BKK Mojogedang berasal dari pinjaman dari bank lain dan dari masyarakat itu sendiri yang berbentuk tabungan.
Kredit adalah...
Restu Rikasari Yulianingsih
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
Land and building tax is a part of balance fund constituting one important income source in the attempt of funding local government and local development implementation. Land and building tax is the tax levied over the land and permanent building ownership that has gotten IMB (building license).
The objective of final project is to...
Ratna Nur Atikah
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
Persediaan bahan baku merupakan salah satu aset yang mahal di perusahaan, karena rata-rata porsi dana terbesar yang ditanamkan umumnya merupakan aset dan persediaan. Masalah penentuan besarnya alokasi modal dalam persediaan barang mengakibatkan dampak yang nyata terhadap keuntungan perusahaan. Kesalahan dalam menetapkan besarnya...
Setyas Inggil Haristina
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
The aims of this final project report are to get and to understand more information about controlling system, especially for extension of credit system, and also to widely comprehend about the extension of credit system at Koperasi Wijaya Kusuma Sukoharjo.
In collecting data, the writer uses case study method. The writer has chosen...
Tri Kusno Widi Asmoro
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. ekonomi-2010
Hospital is a medical service place which held activity and able to be utilized for research and health education expert. Hospital in Indonesia came from a sistem bassed on militery hospital, which was followed by religious hospital and then growth become state hospital. RSUD Kabupaten Karanganyar region is one of state...
Anggit Wibowo
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
UD. Berdijaya is a private company owned by an individual who is enganged in the business of sorting paper and goods transportation services . UD. Berdijaya use some accounting information systems, including cash expenditures system, purchases system and other systems. In conducting cash expenditures system, the company should pay...
Tri Suko Purnomo
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
CV Esa Grafika is a manufacturing company engaged in printing or silk screening. CV Esa Grafika was established since 12 years ago which is located in Kadipiro Surakarta. The main products from CV Esa Grafika are furing bags and paper bags. Furing bag is a bag which made from furing fabric, while paper bag is made of special...
Adhi Barata Sunu
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Ekonomi-2010
Diera globalisasi, informasi telah menjadi kebutuhan utama dalam
kehidupan manusia. Pemanfaatannya telah merambah keseluruh aspek kehidupan
tidak terkecuali dibidang perpustakaan yang penyampaiannya telah sedemikian
canggihnya sebagai dampak dari perkembangan teknologi informasi Merupakan
suatu hal yang prinsip di dunia lembaga...
Dwi Setia Budi