Dalam perbankan Indonesia bank dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu bank umum dan bank perkreditan rakyat (BPR). Bank umum dan BPR masing-masing juga dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu bank umum adalah bank konvensional dan bank syariah sedangkan BPR adalah BPR konvensional dan BPR syariah. Subjek dalam penelitian ini mengerucut pada akad pembiayaan murabahah yang...
Anas Maulan
Artikel Prosiding
Sukoharjo-CV. Pellita Aksara Gemilang-2023
The purpose of this research is to find the model of religious law norms that reflect the laws of religions that exist in Indonesia to be realized in a unified national legal system. It aims to avoid a diverse model of religious interpretation that can lead to conflict between religious and interfaith people. With the recognition of religious...
Burhanudin Harahap
Artikel Prosiding
Depok -Faculty of Law University of Indonesia-2018
According to the provisions Article 7 the Act no. 21 of 2008 set up a limited liability company.Philosophicaly Islamic banks are less able to meet the standard values determined by the sharia itself.It is caused in the legal normative perspective Islamic,limited liability company in certain cases there is a discrepancy with Sharia principles. So...
Burhanudin Harahap
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-Pusat Study Ekonomi Islam LPPM UNS-2016
Masih banyak notaris yang menjadikan dokumen palsu misalnya surat, untuk menjadi dasar dalam membuat akta otentik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab seorang notaris dan akibat hukum seorang notaris sehubungan surat palsu yang dijadikan dasar pembuatan akta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif...
Tsarazien Nurwahab Putri
Artikel Prosiding
Sukoharjo-CV. Pelita Aksara Gemilang-2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui praktik hukum waris Islam terhadap hak waris orang tua atas harta warisan anaknya yang meninggal terlebih dahulu pada masyarakat muslim Desa Jatinom Kabupaten Klaten. Sifat penelitian ini deskriptif analitis. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan...
Muhammad Esa Prasetya Adi
Artikel Prosiding
Sukoharjo-CV. Pelita Aksara Gemilang-2023
The implications of the acknowledgement of teachers as a profession as stated in the Indonesian law No. 14 Year 2005 was a teacher must undergo a certification program to get educators certificate. Employment experience based certification of existing teachers will soon be over and then will be replaced with a pre-occupation teacher certification...
Yuyun Estriyanto
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-ISPI Jateng-2014
Not enough research attention has been devoted to inter firm partnerships, value creation, mechanism and use of governance structure, I the context of emerging economies. This study explores the process through which firms achieve the desired value ( outcome or behavioral focused value creation process) and the governance mechanism ( formal and...
Audhesh Paswan
Artikel Prosiding
India-Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad-2015
Given the recent a knowledge-centric view which suggests that knowledge is the primary operant resource for value creation. governments of emerging economies have begun to strategically develop innovative capabilities that can potentially bolster economic growth and create value for their citizens. However, not enough research attention has been...
Retno Tanding Suryandari
Artikel Prosiding
India-Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad-2015
The Study was conducted to examine the effect of pricing, product attribute, inconvenience, response to product failure customer retention, and prior knowledge in the switching behavior. Pricing were defined as the perception of the kerosene price and its influence in the consumer intention to switch to LPG. Product attributes were defined as the...
Budhi Haryanto
Artikel Prosiding
Jakarta-UI, FE-2009
This research was conducted to search the answer of how the information search costs reduce or increase consumer’s price sensitivity. Using 2x2x2 design which covers two product types (unique and common) and Price information usability (High and Low), Quality information usability ( High and Low) and Store comparability (High and Low) the...
Endah Tri Hastuti Dewayanti
Artikel Prosiding
Jakarta-FEB UI-2008