Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Daruratan Terpadu (SPGDT) merupakan upaya pemerintah guna menyediakan layanan kegawatdaruratan yang diperlukan bagi masyarakat, bentuk nyata dari upaya tersebut ialah dengan munculnya program layanan yang dinamakan Public Safety Center (PSC) di berbagai daerah Indonesia. Public Safety Center (PSC) Kota Surakarta...
Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-FISIP Universitas Sebelas Maret-2018
This article explained why the biased-meaning symptom of social accountability practice occurs in Kelurahan Development Fund (thereafter called DPK) management, despite its management procedure through budgeting democratization process and participatory public budgeting. Development fund management by kelurahan (administrative village) and society...
Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh
Artikel Prosiding
Akuntabilitas Publik mustahil terwujud tanpa masyarakat yang melek tentang informasi publik. Dikarenakan konsep akuntabilitas adalah an ever-expanding concept, mengarah pada penjelasan berbagai mekanisme agar suatu institusi responsif kepada publik tertentu. Dalam konsep akuntabilitas, ada unsur kebajikan (virtue) dan unsur relasi sosial...
Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh
Artikel Prosiding
Purwokerto-Universitas Jendral Soedirman-2012
CAD-2 is a course in The Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program of FKIP UNS which conducted using project-based learning model. The final competency of this course is building a simpel assembly of 3D CAD model. To ensure that the assessment is done objectively and record all of students’ learning activities, it has been developed...
Yuyun Estriyanto
Artikel Prosiding
Makassar-Universitas Negeri Makassar: Fakultas Teknik-2012
The Indonesian government had ratified Law No. 14 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers and it become the first Indonesian government provision which acknowledges teacher as a profession and became the main regulation on how the teaching profession in Indonesia should be administered. The regulation of Indonesian Minister of National Education No. 16...
Yuyun Estriyanto
Artikel Prosiding
Medan-State University of Medan-2016
This study focuses on students’ response toward the project of Web Quest Making (WQM henceforth) in reading class. The WQM is linked to authenticity, critical and extensive reading. This study examines the students feeling toward the project and toward reading. The questionnaires and interviews results indicate students’ positive reaction on...
Endang Setyaningsih
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Universitas Ahmad Dahlan-2014
Reading class has been traditionally considered as a monotonous, rather boring, class. There are several reasons underlysing the belief. Some come from the techniques of the teaching, some come form the nature of Reading itself, and some come from the students belief about the belief. Recognizing the source is helpful in the effort to find...
Endang Setyaningsih
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Universitas Ahmad Dahlan-2012
Village independence and democracy still become an issue interesting to study recently. The expectation to bring the village independence frequently collides with various factors. This article analyzed the strategy of improving village independence through rural democratic development. Considering the result of ...
Didik G. Suharto
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press -2015
Abstract. The introducing of wedding cosmetology and dress values of Solo Puteri style is a positive form of cultural preservation in enhancing education character values. This analytic descriptive study aims to provide a factual and accurate description of the learning values of wedding cosmetology and fashion of Solo Puteri style for Vocational...
Addiina Purnawangsih
Artikel Prosiding
Surabaya-The 1st International Conference on Bussines, Law, and Pedagogy ICBLP Narotama Surabaya-2019
Pencak silat is essentially the cultivation of Indonesia in the form of spiritual and physical education to form an agile man who is able to appreciate and practice the moral values of society are sublime. Pencak silat has four aspects as a unity that is mentally spiritual, martial, arts, and sports. The purpose of this study conducted an...
Suryo Ediyono
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