Pencak silat Martial art is a media of humanism education in traditional java society. Goal of martial art exercise is not only for promote physical power and technical skill, but also more important is for character building and personality building. Pencak silat is intended to shape human being with high character, capability of self control and...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
Pencaksilat masters are leaders with distinct characteristics. This research discusses leader‘s attitude, leader‘s characteristics, and religious leader. Research methods applied in this research are factual historical approach, descriptive analysis, and interpretation in terms of ...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
Suirakarta-UNS Press-2015
Pencak silat as Indonesian culture is a self deJbnse skill that has high philosophical teaching. Pencak silat will be danger if it is owned and mastered by irresponsible person. The,nrnorrh was rlone to do inventory oter philosophical yalues of pencak silat that shottld beexplored, kept and det eloped for good character education. His research...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
Salatiga-Widya Sari Press-2016
Local knowledge is wisdom and noble values resided in richness of the local culture which generated into traditions, and such tradition includes the martial arts. Pencak silat is a media of humanism education in traditional java society . Goal of exercise is not only for promote physical power and technical skill, but also more important is...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
Semarang-Universitas Diponegoro-2016
Pencak silat martial art is a media of humanistic education in traditional Javanese culture.Pencak silat is Indonesian cultural preservation effort in the form of mental and physical education inorder to shape athletic people who can also comprehend and implement high moral values. The goalof martial art exercise is not only to ...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
Malang-Universitas Negeri Malang-2016
Analisis wacanzr kritis bertujuan menjelaskan dimensi kewacanaan fenomenasosiaf budaya dan proses perubahan dalam modemitas terkini. Bahasa Pancasilapada era reformasi mendapat tantangan dari gelombang globalisasi informasi.wacana kritis ini bertujuan membuatkajian epistemologi pancasila di desaKarangduren I(ebonarum Klaten menjadi mudah dipahami...
Suryo Ediyono
Artikel Prosiding
BAndung-UPI Press-2016
Rumusan Masalah: Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan kasus tahunan yang sudah sering terjadi di Indonesia. Vektor penyebab utama DBD adalah nyamuk Aedesaegypti dan Aedes albocpictus. Distribusi penyakit suspek DBD sejak minggu pertama tahun2018 hingga minggu pertama 2019 tertinggi ada di Jawa Timur dengan jumlah 700 orang, lalu Jawa Tengah 512...
Nisrina Hanifah
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press-2020
Background: Daily emergency conditions are increasing and are at risk of increasing mortality and morbidity in the community. Efforts to reduce the risk of emergency cases must be planned systematically by involving the community as the first responder. Purpose: The community is able to understand and know the role of first responders in emergency...
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press-2020
Stroke dapat menimbulkan kecacatan yang meliputi impairment, disability dan handicap yang menyebabkan pasien akan mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas interaksi sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan metode pretest-posttest design with control bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian terapi kelompok terhadap...
Wawan Ridwan M.
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press-2020
Mentally retarded children depend on their parents or nanny for their daily activities, especially self-care. Mental retardation children will have difficulty learning in selfskills and need help when at home or at school. In this case, parents have an important role in teaching self-care skills to children with mental retardation. Mental...
M. Nur Dewi Kartikasari
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press-2020