Pohon kelapa merupakan merupakan sumber daya alam yang sangatbermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Beberapa pemanfaatan yang dapat diperolehdari pohon kelapa, yaitu batang, daun nira dan buah kelapa. Tujuan proyek akhirini adalah merencanakan daya dan sistem transmisi sehingga mesin pengupasserabut kelapa dapat bekerja untuk waktu yang lama....
Ahmad Maulani
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-F. Teknik-2016
The dynamics of development in strategic areas Kauman kampung Surakarta impact on the comfort level of the building habitable conditions including thermal performances. It is shown from the results of the simulation analysis performed on two houses of Ketib(Khotib) with different changes in the pendapa space, the...
Tri Yuni Iswati
Artikel Prosiding
Tri Yuni Iswati
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS Press-2011
ABSTRAC Traditional house is the ideal house according to the needs of a humid tropics climate like in Indonesia. But today many traditional houses was demolished for many reasons.This research attempts to make a simulation to see the thermal comfort of the two traditional houses in Kotagede with the different morphology house. The...
Tri Yuni Iswati
Artikel Prosiding
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE </xml><![endif]-->ABSTRACT The concept of green eco-tourism is a concept of regional development for environmentally sustainable tourism activities. Tourism activities have a significant effect on the development...
Wiwik Setyaningsih
Artikel Prosiding
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE </xml><![endif]-->Abstract Research background. There have been many housing developers in Yogyakarta who build so simple houses that they are uncomfortable to live in. This situation is resulted from the increase of...
Tri Yuni Iswati
Artikel Prosiding
Banda Aceh-SENVAR-2013
ABSTRAKBeton merupakan salah satu bahan bangunan yang masih sangat banyak dipakai dalam pembangunan konstruksi. High strength concrete yaitu beton dengan kekuatan yang cukup tinggi atau diatas kekuatan standar yang dipengaruhi dari beberapa hal, seperti FAS (faktor air semen), kualitas agregat, bahan tambah dan kontrak kualitas dari pembuatan...
Deny Wijaya
ABSTRACT Background research is to see how many contemporary houses that much different from the Javanese house, contemporary house is usually attached to each other neighbor's house, do not have a yard, use half a stone wall, while the Javanese house has a large yard, far enough distance between the house and use a single wall stone....
Tri Yuni Iswati
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Malang-Jurnal Nasional -2011
ABSTRAKRuas Jalan Kudus - Colo merupakan ruas jalan kolektor kelas III B dengan jenis perkerasan lentur dan memiliki lebar 6 m. Ruas jalan ini menjadi jalur penghubung antara Kabupaten Kudus ke Kabupaten Pati. Jenis kendaraan yang melalui ruas jalan ini terdiri dari motor, mobil dan truck besar hingga treiler. Agar berfungsi lebih baik, harus...
Saiful Anwar Kurniawan
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
World Tourism Organization (WTO), is one of the global issues on the international scene, because of the impact of tourism activities on the development and improvement of the economic, social, cultural and environmental quality to the green-tourism. It is based with the Surakarta- city as tourism and...
Wiwik Setyaningsih
Laporan Penelitian Dosen
Surakarta-Pusat Informasi dan Pembangunan Wilayah (PIPW) UNS-2015