Try Kurniawati Assalam. 2022. ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION OF ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE FIRST FIVE CHAPTERS OF THE NOVEL “PERCY JACKSON: THE LAST OLYMPIAN”. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Ellipsis is one of the phenomena worth studying under Translation Studies....
Try Kurniawati Assalam
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
Adhitya Darmawan B0317001, 2021, AN ANALYSIS OF SWEAR WORDS BYTHE CHARACTERS IN “DEADPOOL 2(2018)” MOVIE. Skripsi. Sastra Inggris.Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Pembimbing: Prof.Dra. Diah Kristina, M.A., Ph. D.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan jenis kata makian yangdiucapkan oleh para karakter dalam...
Adhitya Darmawan
surakarta-Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa-2022
Charactonyms are names of fictional characters that potrays certain traits of the character.The purpose of this research is to identify techniques used by the translator to translate charactonyms found in the novel The Silmarillion and analyze the quality of the translations in terms of accuracy and acceptability.This reaseach is a descriptive...
Fibiyola Widya Sari
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
Siti Khofifatul Ulya. B0317042. 2022. Analysis of Translation Techniques and Quality of User Interface Texts on Shopee E-commerce Application from English into Indonesian. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Supervisor: Nur Saptaningsih S.Hum., M.Hum.The object of this...
Siti Khofifatul Ulya
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
The research of “Queerbaiting as Depicted in Disney’s “LUCA”: A False Hope of Queerfolks Representation in Media? has been conducted to understand how media audiences perceive queer-coded environments within a given media. Specifically, this research aims to; 1) uncover whether the audiences interpret the scenes of excessive male x male...
Rendy Putro Pamungkas
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
This research was conducted on the grounds that women in the media are still underrepresented and marginalized. In fact, how women are represented in the media can be a reflection of how women are in real life. Furthermore, the value of patriarchy, the notion that men are superior to women, appears to be maintained by many people. It is possible...
Tiaranisa Rahma Dewi
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
Ellyza Nurhayati. 2022. A TRANSLATION ANALYSIS OF TYPE OF TEXT IN USER ASSISTANCE “LOGIN TROUBLESHOOTING” FROM INSTAGRAM WEBSITES. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Supervisor: Dr. Herianto, S.S., M.Hum.The objectives of this research are to investigate the text types...
Ellyza Nurhayati
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
This research aims to investigate how the American dream is represented by fans undergoing cosmetic surgery in the “I Want a Famous Face” TV show. Furthermore, this research also aims to investigate how plastic surgery as a celebrity culture becomes a counterattack against the myth of the American dream. This research uses descriptive...
Wahyu Aprilia Dewi
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2022
The aim of this thesis is to identity how #dragqueenUSA challenge the concept of beauty and how the hashtag offer the plurality of beauty. Focusing on the 15 self-images posted in the hashtag, by using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, this study discusses the images consisting of makeup, costumes, and additional ornaments look and takes into...
Deici Angelia Nursy
Surakarta-Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa-2022
Khrisna, S.S., M.HumThis study examines the English figurative language and its Indonesian translation in the movie Knives Out. This study aims to provide an explanation of one of the figurative language classifications proposed by Leech (1969) called Transference of Meaning (Synecdoche, Metaphor, Metonymy, Simile, Symbol, and Allegory), to...
Diannisa Rahma Kuncoro
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2021