During the last three years, many previous studies have examined cultural representations in foreign language textbooks and found an imbalance in cultural contents in English textbooks used in different EFL contexts. There still needs to be more critical discourse study in this field that explores the hidden cultural meanings captured in...
Reffi Sabillawati
The role of English as a Foreign Language in the educational context does not only aim to encourage students to become more communicative but also provide cultural knowledge because language and culture have an inseparable relationship. Accordingly, the ELT context should provide linguistic knowledge and nonlinguistic such as cultural knowledge....
Anda Roofi' Kusumaningrum
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Pembelajaran berbasis proyek masih menjadi metode yang populer untuk diteliti. Karena kemajuan teknologi yang pesat telah menghasilkan lingkungan belajar virtual yang lebih ramah pengguna, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti : (1) persepsi dosen tentang Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Online untuk mengajarkan keterampilan abad 2; (2) tahapan...
Amanda Ummu Haniah
Peran orang tua dalam keterlibatannya di sekolah dan di rumah merupakan faktor penting dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran orang tua dalam memetakan prestasi belajar bahasa Inggris anak dan mengungkap strategi yang digunakan orang tua yang melibatkan diri dalam prestasi...
Yohana Eva Mau Kasi
Penerimaan teknologi oleh guru prajabatan adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan calon guru untuk menggunakan teknologi di kelas. Penerimaan teknologi dapat dicapai dengan memperkenalkan guru prajabatan pada penggunaan teknologi sejak awal. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan teknologi di kelas secara teratur untuk mengajar...
Dedy Yulianto
ABSTRACTThe paper reports on an in-dept. narrative inquiry of the emotional experience of in-service English teachers on virtual pandemic classrooms. The data are derived from the teacher’s ‘emotion diary’ and four semi-interviews. The data were analyzed with Andy Hargreaves’s emotional geography framework which focuses on the physical,...
Lusiana Pratiwi
This research aimed at: 1) understanding the English teachers’ perspective about teacher identity, 2) describing the kinds of teacher professional development have done by the English teachers during the pandemic, and 3) discovering TPDs which strengthen the English teacher identity.The approach of this research was qualitative research. The...
Latifah Fatmawati
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Jovanda Febrianesty Ganiet. S892002011. 2023 TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ SELF-CONFIDENCE IN SPEAKING: LESSONS LEARNED FROM INDONESIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC, A Master’s Degree Thesis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., Co-Supervisor: Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. Surakarta. Magister of English Education...
Jovanda Febrianesty Ganiet
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
The study on English language teaching in multilingual education policy has been widely investigated in public and private schools in many countries. In Indonesia, while such a policy exists, such as in an Islamic boarding school, the topic is still relatively under-researched. This study then explores the implementation of English language...
Muhammad Abdurrizal
This study explores the self-efficacy and vocabulary mastery of students with digital gaming experiences as their affective and cognitive domain, along with the challenges in playing digital games as Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE). The current alterations in educational sector due to the latest age development and the COVID-19...
Muhammad Najmussaqib Diya Alhaq