This research aims to: (1) to explore teachers’ beliefs in teaching reading through MALL regarding teacher’s role and student’s role, (2) to investigate how teachers’ beliefs in teaching reading practices through MALL regarding teacher’s role and student’s role are reflected in the classroom, and (3) to examine what factors that...
Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis
This case study aimed at investigating direct language learning strategies, their implementation, and the reasons beyond the uses of those strategies. Six third semester EFL students at a university in Kudus were purposively involved as the participants. Questionnaires, interviews, and observations were deployed as the techniques of data...
Najib Khoirul Muhyiddin
The current study investigates the representation of culture in international English language textbooks entitled New Interchange Fifth Edition Student Book 3 and 3A (Richards, Hull and Proctor, Cambridge University, 2017) used for intermediate-level language learners. This discourse study adopts three theoretical frameworks (social semiotic,...
Reni Puspitasari Dwi
Surakarta -Pascasarjana-2022
This present discourse study investigates the portrait of gender stereotypes in government-endorsed English language textbooks used in Indonesian middle schools. The four English language textbooks entitled “When English Rings a Bell” for SMP grade VII, VIII and Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA Kelas X, XI [English for Senior High Schools X, XI]...
Sella Rohmawati
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2022
Akses langsung melalui teknologi kepada masyarakat dan informasi berkembang dan berubah sepanjang kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini meberikan pengaruh terhadap munculnya paduan aktivitas fisik dan daring untuk menghasilkan pengalaman belajar yang ideal menggunakan teknologi seluler yang terhubung. Inilah yang dimaksud dengan blended learning:...
Nur Indah Rahmawati
In spite of the extensive literature and empirical studies on teacher roles, very few studies have addressed the complexity and changing roles of teachers through the complexity of teacher beliefs. This study explores the elementary school teacher's beliefs about her roles to gain clearer insights on teacher roles in teaching English to young...
Adi Irma Suryadi
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi persepsi guru bahasa Inggris terhadap strategi pengajaran implisit pada pembelajaran Grammar, menganalisis strategi pengajaran yang dimiliki oleh guru dan praktik mengajar dalam kaitannya dengan penerapan strategi pengajaran implisit pada pembelajaran Grammar.Desain studi kasus instrumental digunakan...
Rizki Indra Guci
This study focuses on investigating 1) the strategies used by teachers to teach speaking in an intensive English program for one month in Sragen Language Desa Bahasa Sragen, 2) students' perceptions of the teacher's strategies in teaching speaking in an English intensive program for one month in Desa Bahasa Sragen, 3) students'...
Novita Indah P.
The occurrence of non-fluency is an astonishing phenomenon since it frequently manifests in non-native and even in English native speakers' oral performance. The study of non-fluency based on gender (male and female) is significant to conduct due to the distinct oral performance of both speakers' varieties. The current study aims to...
Ivan Rifai
Sri Rejeki