ABSTRACT2 Dimensional Geometry Calculator is software about geometry that will provide information about the results of a mathematical calculation of a variety of two-dimensional geometric objects. This geometry calculator can be used as a teaching tool geometry (CAGI) in high schools or colleges.The principal step in software development begins...
Isni Nafsul Muthmainah
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTA lot of the general public do not understand about the backhoe is itselfbased on a detailed questionnaire that has been done. Then, a single backhoe inthree dimensional form of augmented reality in which a backhoe wheel here as ademonstration of the workings of heavy equipment backhoe. Heavy equipmentBackhoe has many functions...
Aden Putri Maghfirotika Rohiya Nursalamah
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTIn this thesis, the authors apply the concept that is an adventure game to evacuate the aircraft crashed in the sea which have a purpose as a means of entertainment. This game is designed specifically for the purpose of entertainment to the public. Game called "SAR THE MISSION: EVAKUASI PESAWAT JATUH " will be played by divers as...
Alviana Veronica Aprilliany
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTThe house is one of the basic necessities of human life. Along with the increasing development of technology, a lot of electronic equipment such as lights, televisions, fans and water pumps are designed to provide convenience and comfort for residents to run the routine of his life. However, with many electronic device inside the house,...
Mohammad Faisal Hari Darmawan
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTCost and time savings are two important points that must be optimized by afirm, whether it is a government’s firm or personal firm. In Indonesia, one of thegovernment’s firm is DKP. DKP, that is an abbreviation of Dinas Kebersihan danPertamanan has various duties related with cleanliness and fineness of the city. Tobe...
Febby Kesuma Wardhani
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTFloods still occur in many regions in Indonesia, especially during the rainy season. Many people of Indonesia still don’t understand about how to prevent flood. So, they don’t know what to do before the flood comes, during a flood, and after flooding. The method of flood prevention socialization can be done through various...
Budi Kurniawan
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
AbstractThe landslide disaster is a number one disaster in Indonesia. It happened really often in Indonesia. This disaster causing a lot of damage and lost for people. Death and material lost is the biggest number of casualties. The factor of nature phenomenon like a landslide, can be captured digitally using electronics instrument. In the making...
Gembong Wijang Abisatya
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRACTAmbarawa Railway Museum is a railway station that is now converted into a museum in Ambarawa, Central Java, which has a complete train that had triumphed in his day. One train with a steam locomotive number B 2502 and B 2503 Esslingen Maschinenfabriek artificial, as well as B 5112 made in Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG is still able to carry...
Alfian Chaerul Ichwan
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
ABSTRAK Nehemia Crysto Surbakti. 2015. PEMBUATAN APLIKASI SILSILAHKELUARGA MARGA PADA ETNIS BATAK KARO. Teknik Informatika,Diploma III Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Matematika dan IlmuPengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. DIII Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu PengetahuanAlam, Universitas Sebelas Maret...
Nehemia Crysto Surbakti
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-Fak. MIPA-2015
ABSTRAKRestu Cahya Mukti, 2015. PEMBUATAN APLIKASI “PENGENALANPERANGKAT KERAS” BERBASIS ANDROID MENGGUNAKAN GAMEMAKER STUDIO. Program Diploma III Teknik Informatika. FakultasMatematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.Pada era modernisasi seperti sekarang banyak sekali media elektronikyang hadir ditengah...
Restu Cahya Mukti
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Surakarta-Fak. MIPA-2015