Selfie culture has become global phenomenon and its manifestation has shifted from the mainstreams to peculiar, unique, extreme and even hazardous ways. Dangerous selfie is estimated to have strong appeal toindividualsto performsimilar or more extreme actions. Casualties due to selfies show significant increase in the last few...
Yusuf Kurniawan, S.s, M.a
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
Recently, global economic challenge is getting more competitive and economic growth increases in many countries. However, such the economic growth phenomenon is not compensated with employee performance. Many corruption cases occur and employee competency is low, and lavish lifestyle is not comparable to the salary they...
Tri Nugroho Budi Santoso
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
Strategic decision making in an organization plays an important role to achieve the desired goal. Strategic decision making is a process of how managerial faces complex issues and needs analytical skill to solve them.The process and steps at a strategic decision include people who work in the organization, so they are able...
Lelahester Rina
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
The menace of food crisis encountered by countries including Indonesia forces a region to increase its independence on local-based food. Indonesia’s government develops a program titled KRPL (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari/ Everlasting Food-Housing Region) as a movement to support environment-friendly food needs...
Rizky Nidya Pravitasari
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
Indonesia’s sanitation level is considered bad in term of the quality of services and public access opportunity. In contrast, the demand towards clean water keeps increasing, particularly in the urban areas due to the high demand of areas excavated for development each year. The limited access to clean water can...
Nadia Andaam Sari
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
Indonesian government has implemented education reform by regulating gender mainstreaming in education since 2008. The reform demands every education organization unit to integrate gender perspective into their education services called Gender Responsive School. School organization should be changed...
Prof. Dr. Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
SMEs play a very strategic role in national economy from its contribution to improving gross domestic product, labor absorption, to improving national export and investment. The increase of SME numbers is expected to achieve the national target by growing 2% of total employers becoming the key to a...
Fahmi Ulin Ni’mah
Artikel Prosiding
Yogyakarta-Jusuf Kalla School of Government (JKSG) in Collaboration with Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)-2017
By the end of 2014, the trends of creating a betterservice for citizens had been emerging in Indonesia. Some of thecities started to prepare for being the smart cities. A betterservice for citizens can be done using some new technologies andinnovations, especially internet matter in a smart city. One of thefactors for the successful of smart city...
Monika Sri Yuliarti, S.sos.,
Artikel Prosiding
Atlantis Press-International Conference on Public Management -2016
Gender budgeting in Indonesia was nationallyimplemented in 2009 and locally administered in 2011. Capacitybuilding and technical assistance for its implementation hasconducted since 2010. This study evaluates the ability on genderanalysis of regional work unit in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. TheHuman Development Index of North Sulawesi Province in...
Prof. Dr. Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni
Artikel Prosiding
Atlantis Press-International Conference on Public Management -2016
RINGKASAN Penelitian tentang “Pengaruh Penerapan Remunerasi terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Kependidikan dan Tenaga Pendidik”ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh antara pengaruh penerimaan jumlah remunerasi terhadap kinerja tenaga kependidikan dan tenaga pendidik mencakup PNS dan Non PNS, dari waktu sebelum mereka menerima...
Endang Martini
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