The objective of the study is (1) to describe the writing strategies employed by high and low achievers in Paragraph Writing Class; and (2) to find out the differences between the writing strategies employed by high and low achievers. The object of the study is six students of the Paragraph Writing Class of English Education Department.The study...
Hasna Amali
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Pariyani. K2216050. INVESTIGATING EFL LEARNERS’ STRATEGIES IN LEARNING SPEAKING: A CASE STUDY IN A UNIVERSITY IN SURAKARTA. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Sebelas Maret University. 2023. The objectives of this study are to (1) investigate the EFL learners’ strategies in learning speaking; and (2) investigate the EFL...
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
DAISY RIZKI PRIMADHANI, “A CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN STUDENTS’ SELF-EFFICACY, CREATIVITY, AND WRITING SKILL IN THE FIRST GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL”. A thesis. Consultant: Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. Second consultant: Dr. Endang Setyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Hum. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta 2023. The aim...
Daisy Rizki Primadhani
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
In order to develop teachers' professional competence, pre-service English language teachers must participate in teaching practicum. However during the Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching practicum must be conducted following the government's online learning policy. Pre-service teachers may face challenges in the form of making lesson plan...
Weninggar Galih Prastiti
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
This study investigates positive politeness in a talk show. The objective of this study are (1) to find out what types of politeness strategies are used by Graham Norton in "The Graham Norton Show". (2) to find out the implied meanings of the utterances used to express positive politeness strategy. (3) to find out the factor that influence the use...
Septiana Santi Dewi
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
This study explores an EFL pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy during a teaching practicum in an Indonesian Senior High School. The researcher proposes that examining EFL pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy and her instructional judgments during a teaching practicum can reveal how self-efficacy might be favorably affected. This study used an...
Hesfika Damar Susanti
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
While the past few decades have witnessed enormous growth in research on web-based peer assessment in second and foreign language (L2) writing, little attention has been paid to student engagement with online peer assessment, especially their behavioral engagement. This behavioral engagement captured the pre-service teachers’ revision operation...
Aprilia Kusumajayati
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Following the globally networked environment, university students are increasingly likely to participate in an exchange or study abroad program at a comparable institution in another nation. However, previous research about studying abroad drew scepticism due to the western context informing the majority of research and the need for more research...
Muliawan Prasetya Utama
This study aimed to analyze the Genre-based Approach (GBA) and Differentiated-Instruction (DI) reflected in the writing learning activities of a Kurikulum Merdeka textbook "Work in Progress" for grade 10 senior high school by using deductive or directed qualitative content analysis (DQICA) method. There have been several studies in investigating...
Dimas Putra Irfandanu
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the level of speaking anxiety among Indonesian undergraduate EFL students; (2) to identify the factors that affect students’ speaking anxiety; and (3) to explore students’ strategies for coping with their speaking anxiety in EFL classroom.This study was conducted at one of universities in...
Fanisa Amanda Putri
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023