This narrative study examined the experiences of three pre-service teachers with different writing proficiency levels in conducting a cyclical self-assessment process in Academic Writing mediated by Scribo. The study interweaves three theories, namely the cyclical self-assessment process (Yan & Brown, 2017), reflection-on-action (Schön, 1987),...
Yulia Tria Hapsari
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Safira Yasinta Karenina Hidayat, S82002019. Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication vs Face to Face Interaction: EFL Students perception on Speaking Anxiety. First Consultant: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, MA.; Second Consultant: Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. Thesis. English Education Department, Graduate School of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas...
Safira Yasinta K.h
solo-Fak. KIP-2023
Nito Majid Mujtahid. S891908018. Pre-service Teacher’s Self-efficacy in TechnologyIntegration of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in English Language Teaching:A Case Study. A Master Degree’s Thesis. Consultant I: Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd. ConsultantII: Dr. Slamet Supriyadi, M. Pd. Department of English Education, Teacher Trainingand Education...
Nito Majid Mujtahid
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
The portfolio system appears as one alternative answer for such a challenge encountered by English teachers. The research about the portfolio system that focused on teachers' perceptions is quite necessary since it helps the teachers and students of the English language find a proper way of learning writing skill. This study aimed to...
Tungga Pramudya Utama
AbstractThis narrative study investigated the identity development of seven pre-service English teachers by capturing their teaching practicum experience from a socio-emotional perspective. Narrative data would be garnered through multiple semi-structured interviews with seven pre-service English teachers. For this reason, seven pre-service...
Yuliani Dwi Astuti
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2023
Although a plethora of language textbook analysis studies has been conducted, little prior research has focused on grammar exercises in English language textbooks in which a functional grammar perspective is adopted. The current study aims to unearth which extent grammar exercises in English textbooks used in a junior high school in Indonesia...
Ashar Fauzi
Adanya wabah virus Covid-19 yang menyebabkan penutupan sementara sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia, memunculkan pertanyaan mengenai bagaimana penilaian speaking dilakukan selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian case study ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi guru Bahasa Inggris terhadap pelaksanaan penilaian speaking dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh...
Wury Anggun Kusumawati
Although previous studies showed the pedagogical potential of short stories in language classrooms, only a few studies reported English teacher educators’ perceptions and experiences of using short stories in initial language teacher education courses. At the higher education level, not much has been explored about how short stories are...
Gina Oktaviana
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the pedagogical functions of the provided visual images in the English textbooks, explore the visual images exploited for learning tasks, and to seek whether visual images and the content reinforce each other as depicted in textbooks of Senior High School. Visual image representations are frequently...
Kautsar R
Solo-Fak. KIP-2022
The purpose of the present study was to explore pre-service EFL teachers' critical thinking knowledge and educational practice. Their knowledge was examined in terms of pre-service EFL teachers' understanding of critical thinking, the extent to which academic learning environment and family life influence the development of critical...
Dwi Puji Hastuti