Analysis of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance to find out the difference in Quality of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance. The sample used was 30 respondents each from the two institutions that used the sampling is simple random sampling. Analysis techniques used are descriptive statistics to calculate financial...
Margaretha Prihatiningsih
Surakarta-UNS : F. Ekonomi Prodi MM-2010
In the implementation of the direct election of regional heads (Pilkada) Serentak, the Indonesia Election Commission (KPU) as the organizer receives funding support from Regional Budget (APBD) and can be supported through the State Budget (APBN). Accountability of simultaneous management of Regional Head Election, especially the expenditure from...
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Surakarta-UNS: FEB-2018
Purpose. The purpose of this research is exploring the role of altruism, moral norm, donor's knowledge, and perceived risk in influencing the willingness of people in donating blood.Design/methodology/approach. Data is collected through survey that is guided by questionnaire. Data consists of 200 people who has intention to donate blood at...
Budhi Haryanto
Artikel Prosiding
Manado-Universitas Sam Ratulangi: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis-2015
This study is to explain the relation between abusive supervision and employee’s work outcomes. Moreover, this study also examines the role of gender and self-efficacy as moderating variables which are expected to provide a detailed description of the relation between abusive supervision and employee’s work outcomes. The...
Edi Cahyono
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis-2017
This research aims to segment and identify the characteristics of people who intend to blood donor in PMI Surakarta.Sample are people who intend to donate blood at the PMI in Surakarta. Respondens were drawn as many as 300 people with convenience sampling method. Data were tested using two methods, namely hierarchical cluster analysis and...
Budhi Haryanto
Artikel Prosiding
Palu-Universitas Tadulako-2016
This research aimed to explore the constructed variables that were to influence the process of the positive attitude formation of the developing country’s society toward the green products. Those several variables were the green brand perception, green price fairness, and country of origin.Next, exploratory study was used to understand these...
Eni Andari
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis-2016
Online transaction intention is still a topic that is interesting to study because there is still no model in the formation of intention to online shopping that can be applied to various researches settings. So this research aims to explore the formation process of intention to online transaction by using the concept of behavioral theory applied...
Didik Setyawan
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis-2016
Masalah yang diambil dalam penelitianm ini adalah bagaimana persepsi penumpang terhadap bauran pemasaran jasa (product, price, place, promotion, people, process,physical evidence) Garuda Indonesia Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi penumpang terhadap bauran pemasaran jasa (product, price, place,...
Santi Budiman
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Yogyakarta-STIE IEU-2016
Competiti which increasingly complex need a decision accurate strategy to increase perfomance marketer brand local. This research was aim to giving comprehension for marketers brand local about strategy that should used to face brand foreign. Therefore, this research focused to analyze an opinion people regarding brand foreign and brand local, and...
Budhi Haryanto
Artikel Prosiding
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh negara asal, citra merek, kewajaran harga, dan kualitas produk terhadap sikap konsumen. Secara spesifik bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dimensi-dimesi yang membentuk sikap konsumen.Data dikumpulkan melalui survey dengan cara mewawancarai responden yang dipandu dengan kuesionar. Sample terdiri dari...
Budhi Haryanto
Artikel Jurnal UNS
Yogyakarta-STIE IEU-2015