ABSTRACTThe purposes of this research were (1) investigating the difficulty level of the test item, (2) revealing the discriminating power of the test items, (3) revealing the effectiveness of the distractors of each test item, (4) revealing the reliability of each test item. This research use a quantitative descriptive approach. The data analysis...
Zahra Salsabila
Surakartas-Fak. KIP-2024
<p>The Merdeka Curriculum has been implemented in the majority of schools in Indonesia, and one of its characteristics is an emphasis on students’ critical thinking. Therefore, it is so important to integrate Higher-Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) questions in reading assessment tasks within textbooks....
Azizah Anggun Oktaviani
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
The objectives of this research are: (1) to determine the percentage distribution of the Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in reading section of the Official High School English textbook entitled “Life Today”, and (2) to determine the dominant cognitive domain of the...
Risa Tri Destiana
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
This study was aimed to investigate the compatibility and the extent of materials in the developed English textbook “My Next Word” for Elementary School 5 based on Kurikulum Merdeka with Tomlinson's (2011) sixteen suggested criteria for developing coursebook material. This research uses a qualitative approach and conducted by using a...
Sugeng Adi Prasetyo
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
This study analyzed the implementation of genre-based approach and Differentiated Instruction in listening task in an English textbook titled Bahasa Inggris: English for Change. The researcher uses content analysis as a method to analyze the genrebased approach and differentiated instruction. The objective of this research is to see the...
Yoga Prisandi Noto
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
This study focuses on the conceptual framework of teaching practicum; this study is concerned with a relationship in well-being between pre-service teachers and mentor teachers while teaching English with artificial intelligence during teaching practicum. The research was conducted using Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry under the qualitative...
Nico Cristianto
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
ABSTRACT - The intent of the present study is to ascertain: 1) the composition of Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) type of exercises presented in the “English for Nusantara” for 8th grade students’ textbook, and 2) the dominant Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills...
Indah Nabila
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
<p>Devisa. K2220028. Supervisor: Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M. Pd. Pre-Service Teacher’s Work Engagement Experience during the Teaching Practicum Preparation: an Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry. A thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty,...
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
<p>This research has the purpose of examining the types and functions of modality expressions that are contained in texts sourced from The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The researcher employed discourse analysis to analyze the meaning and function of the texts of 112 data. The researcher focused on...
Amalia Nur Khayati
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024
<p>English has an essential role in various aspects of world life since it is an international language. In Indonesia, the terms of teaching English have improved in the last few decades. Books have been a medium of learning in teaching English. However, in this digital era, teachers are starting to...
Farras Wili Savera
Surakarta-Fak. KIP-2024