ABSTRACTThis thesis analyzes how nine gay individuals in Yogyakarta perceive a gay representation in the movie "Bros." It explores their interactions with heteronormative ideals in the film, their imagined desires towards characters, and whether their perceptions of gay representations stem from modern gay culture or Indonesian same-sex relations....
Era Akbar Budi Santoso
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
As people live in a community, people use language to communicate with others. Politeness is used to make the situation between the speaker and the hearer more comfortable. Politeness is a system of interpersonal relations designed to facilitate human interaction by minimizing the potential conflict and confrontation inherent in all human...
Rosha Awalina Azzahro
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This research presents a study of translation of speech acts in “Do Revenge”, focusing on identifying the types of directive speech acts that appear in the movie, analyzing the translation techniques applied, identifying the shifting in type, and measuring the translation quality of the translation data. This research was developed as a...
Marselena Brenda Sigita Ningrum
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This study aims to analyze the types of code mixing and the factors that influence code mixing by the judges of MasterChef Indonesia Season 9. This research is descriptive qualitative research as the data collected in the form of utterances. This research applied a descriptive qualitative research as the data collected in the form of...
Odete Baptisata Barros
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
ABSTRACTDefia Novi Rahmadhany. B0319023. 2023. Types and Functions of Taboo Words Found in Kingsman : The Golden Circle (2017) Movie and Their Distribution to The Movie Structure. Thesis : English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. This study aims to analyze the Types and Functions of Taboo Words...
Defia Novi Rahmadhany
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This research contains directive speech acts used by the protagonist and antagonist characters in The Lion King movie (2019) based on Yule’s theory. This research has intended to describe the types and functions of directive speech acts used by the antagonist and protagonist characters, to explore types of characters built from directive speech...
Tifany Putri Permatasari
Solo-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This research is conducted to investigate how the Indonesian news media responded to the victory of Joe Biden against Donald Trump in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in order to identify the underlying effect on how Indonesians perceive and cover the United States. This research used a descriptive qualitative research design to collect and...
Thoby Dwi Pramudito
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This study is conducted to analyze The Types and Distribution of Directive Speech Acts in The Stages of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe Movie by employing the theory of directive speech acts classified by Searle (1979) and movie staging with its phases proposed by Martin & Rose (2007). The detailed objectives of...
Sal Sabilla Az Zahra
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
This research aims to analyse the types of abbreviations in the book Start Me Up by Ebong Eka, the translation techniques used to translate the abbreviations, and the assessment of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability.This research falls into the category of descriptive qualitative research. The data sources consisted of...
Ahnaf Hafis Adam Aufar
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023
The aim of this research is to look at the social identity formation of Don Shirley as presented in Green Book (2018) movie. The research applies a qualitative descriptive approach in collecting and analyzing the data. The primary data were taken from Green Book using purposive sampling. The finding of the observation is discussed using semiotics...
Surya Nala Kartika
Surakarta-Fak. Ilmu Budaya-2023