This paper examines the genre relations of 40 scholarly journal articles written in Indonesian language in the fields of Natural Science and Social Science. The articles as macro genres were analysed to see whether they were arranged in a good text structure, and whether the sections or stages within the text structure contained appropriate micro...
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
USA: California-American Scientific Publishers-2016
The model of English language teaching to be offered in this paper is based on the philosophy that language should always be considered as text not only a collection of words or vocabulary; language forms are used to express meanings; and language is functional in the sense that it is used to express ideas, opinions, norms, customs, and ideology....
Tri Wiratno
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Surakarta-UMS: Language Center -2004
So far, the teaching of English language and that of literature are implemented separately. This paper is concerned with how to teach both subjects in integration by using a language-based approach. The reason is that for students of English as a foreign or second language, the language of literary works is difficult, and in order to appreciate...
Tri Wiratno
Book Chapter
United Kingdom-Cambridge Scholars Publishing -2012
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan bagaimana siswa ekstrovert mengikuti mata kuliah berbicara Bahasa Mandarin. Kompetensi matakuliah berbicara Bahasa Mandarin menuntut agar mahasiswa berani berbicara di kelas, sehingga memiliki rasa percaya diri dan dapat berbicara dengan akurat, lancar dan baik menggunakan bahasa Mandarin. Kompetensi ini ternyata...
Dian Prasetyo Adi
Artikel Prosiding
Semarang-UNNES: Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni-2018
Makalah ini membuat studi komparatif pada fungsi sintaktis, semantik dan pragmatis dari preposisi “Zai” dalam bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Indonesia. Dalam bahasa Mandarin modern, preposisi “Zai” memiliki beberapa arti. “Zai” dapat mewakili tempat, waktu, ruang lingkup, kondisi, dan perilaku subjek. Ada dua kata...
Quinta Avenida
Artikel Prosiding
Sumatera-USU: Faculty of Humanities, Department of Chinese Literature-2018
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan bagaimana siswa introvert mengikuti mata kuliah berbicara Bahasa Mandarin, meliputi sikap belajar, masalah di kelas, dan bagaimana cara memecahkan masalah siswa berkepribadian introvert di kelas. Kompetensi matakuliah berbicara Bahasa Mandarin menuntut agar mahasiswa berani berbicara di kelas, sehingga memiliki rasa...
Dian Prasetyo Adi
Artikel Prosiding
Sumatera-USU: Faculty of Humanities, Department of Chinese Literature-2018
The transmission of Islamic political movements to Indonesia has seen rapid developments since the 1970s and 1980s. The development of Islamic political movements began to gain momentum with the increase in the number of Indonesian students, of both school and university age, who went to study in the Middle East, which caused the relations between...
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
USA-American Scientific Publishers -2016
The Islamic political movements in the Middle East have been dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt that inspired the Islamic movements in other countries, such as Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia under the ideology of Wahhabism that leads the opposition movement protesting against the power authority of hereditary family of...
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
USA-American Scientific Publishers -2016
The first beginning of XXI century is considered as a raid spread of radical Islamism, the radi movements frequently defined as terrorism. Although the root of the radical Islamism may once had been grown before the time, in fact, in the era khulafaurrasyidin (the 4 rightly guided Caliphs) there were coercion committed by a number of...
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: Faculty of Cultural Sciences Arabic Department-2016
Sukoharjo-Sejati Mitra Mandiri-2016