Curriculum 2013 is the development of the previous curriculum but emphasized on the improvement and balance between soft skills and hard skills that involve aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skill competencies. The implementation of Curriculum 2013 is not only applied to regulars schools or public schools but also special schools. The purpose of...
Ika Sukowati
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Romania-Open Access Publishing Group-2017
Salah satunggaling dampak saking parembakanipun teknologi lan globalisasi ingkang karaosaken samangke inggih menika mandhapipun pangertosan lan pamahaman ing sajroning aspek budaya, mliginipun tumrap para generasi mudha Jawa. Salah satunggaling indikasinipun inggih punika para kaneman kathah ingkang sampun nglirwakaken momotan/nilai-nilai...
Favorita Kurwidaria
Artikel Prosiding
Surakarta-UNS: FKIP Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa-2015
Now, our society rare to use Jawa Language in their daily conversation. It caused by first, impact of globalization that made society more enjoy and pride. It could be seen in school learning. Second, our society especially young family more teached Indonesian language as daily conversation because it easier. Third, there were many problems in...
Budi Waluyo
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Surakarta-Edukasi Sejahtera Publishing-2015
The main objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of inclusive educationtrainning for the teacher using of the main learning material (BPU) of Inculsive Education and The Child Protection as compulsory course in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. The quantitative research method was adopted for...
Munawir Yusuf
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Malang-Department of Special Education-Faculty of Education-2018
This study aims to determine (1) how to evaluate the autistic child's therapy program using Therap application, (2) advantage of using Therap applications (3) obstacles in the implementation of the evaluation of autistic children's therapy program using Therap application and (4) therapist's effort to overcome these obstacles. This study is a...
Gangsar Ali Darosi
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
India -Seventh Sense Research Group-2018
The aim of this research was to determine the suitability instrument application based decision support system (DSS) to identify children with physical disabilities. Research was conducted in the area of Central Java province with the number of the sample of 40 teachers from 16 special schools and four regular schools or inclusive...
Abdul Salim
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
New Delhi-Serials Publications Pvt. -2017
Problems in this research is the pattern of communication conducted by adolescent autism in expressingfeelings to the opposite sex and the uncontrolled behavior of adolescent autism in expressing the feeling to the opposite sex. The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the communication patterns of adolescent autism inexpressing the...
Ria Dwi Ismiarti
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Canada-Lifescience Global-2018
The present research aims to ascertain the relationship between working understanding, appreciation of work and career guidance and the performance of shadow teachers (Guru Pembimbing Khusus – GPK) in inclusive schools in Indonesia. Data were collected randomly from 168 shadow teachers of inclusive schools in Indonesia. The instrument used was...
Munawir Yusuf
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
AbtsractSpeaking skill was one of language skill that very important in daily life. To increase speaking knowledge, education supporting means get this skill into school curriculum. One method in speaking skill that can be used difable children was storytelling method. Storytelling method that modified with puppet paper method in Java language...
Astiana Ajeng Rahadini
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Surakarta-Edukasi Sejahtera Publishing-2016
Bahasa Jawa ragam krama berposisi menjadi pembelajaran bahasa kedua. Hal ini dikarenakan pemerolehan bahasa ibu masyarakat Jawa menggunakan bahasa Jawa ragam ngoko. Padahal penggunaan bahasa Jawa dalam proses pembelajaran cenderung menggunakan bahasa Jawa ragam krama. Pembelajaran yang menyenangkan tidak lepas dari metode dan media pembelajaran....
Kenfitria Diah Wijayanti
Artikel Jurnal Non UNS
Surakarta-Edukasi Sejahtera Publishing-2017